This set of 22 Spin ‘N Spot task cards help readers support predictions, inferences, and answers with textual evidence.
This set of 22 Spin ‘N Spot task cards help readers cite text evidence as they support their predictions, inferences, and answers.
While reading, readers “spin” to one or more of the four prompts on a Spin ‘N Spot task card. They then use the prompt(s) to help them “spot” textual evidence, using the evidence to make inferences and explain their thinking. Finally, they copy or state the prompt, filling in the blanks with textual evidence and student generated responses.
Spin ‘N Spot task cards are a handy and helpful tool for readers as they practice the essential, yet challenging skill of citing textual evidence. Spin ‘N Spot task cards may be used with ANY text and in a variety of ways in the classroom!
Topics Include:
1. Making Inferences
2. Theme
3. Main Idea
4. Questioning the Text
5. Making Predictions
6. Character Relationships
7. Context Clues
8. Supporting Details
9. Visualization
10. Compare and Contrast
11. Character Traits
12. Plot
13 Cause and Effect
14. Point of View
15. Setting
16. Changes in Character
17. Text Features
18. Synthesizing
19. Vocabulary
20. Making Connections
21. 5 W’s and an H
22. Summarizing
Ideas for using Spin ‘N Spot task cards in the classroom:
1. Use with Guided Reading Groups as students practice a particular reading comprehension skill.
2. Use with Strategy Groups for students who need extra practice citing textual evidence.
3. Students may use the task cards individually and record completed responses on the Spin ‘N Spot recording sheet.
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